Recreation Road, Stalham NR12 9BH
There are over 100 classes to choose from.
Including flowers and vegetables, Arts and Crafts, Cooking and Wine categories.
Our next show is the Annual Spring Show and is to be held on April 5th 2025
The display is open to the public for viewing at 2.00pm and admission is free.
Raffle and refreshments are available.
There is always a local nursery or two selling plants on the day.
If you would like to enter the shows then you will be most welcome.
You don't have to be a member to enter and we welcome new entries
from both adults and children.
We have a novice category in all classes. This is especially for Newcomers that would like to have a go for the first time.
At a later date, schedules for the show will be made available here online and hard copies will be available to pick up from the Society's monthly meetings or from either:
Sutton Building supplies, Gardens and Aquatics, High St, Sutton, NR12 9RA
Century Printing , 132, High Street, Stalham, NR12 9AZ
and A G Meales at Wayford Bridge, NR12 9LJ
Entry forms are included with instructions as to where to leave your entry forms and times for setting up in the Poppy Centre.
If you have any queries regarding this then please telephone our Show Secretary -
Susan Carter on 01692 581090 after 7.00pm, Monday to Friday.
or click here to email, She will be happy to help.
N.B. Photographs and videos taken at the show
By taking part in this event you grant the event organisers full rights to use the images resulting from the photography/video filming, and any reproductions or adaptations of
the images for fundraising, publicity or other purposes, to help achieve the group’s aims.
This might include (but is not limited to), the right to use them in their printed and online publicity, social media, press releases and funding applications.
If you do not wish for photographs to be taken then please inform an event organiser.